
Veterans At Home Struggles

Decent Essays

Veterans: The Difficulties of Being at Home

Thousands of men and women throughout the United States give up the security and safety of their home to defend the freedoms that Americans, just like myself, get to enjoy every day. These men and women endure hardships and tragedies that most of us could not imagine dealing with, and they do it selflessly. When they finally get to return home to the country that they fought so selflessly to protect, they are forgotten. Veterans all across America receive inadequate health care, are left to suffer from mental illness and end up homeless, and the government is not doing near enough to help them.There are countless flaws in the way that our veterans are taken care of when they return home, and …show more content…

Unfortunately, the healthcare system provided is full of corruption. In different VA hospital and care facilities across America there have been discoveries of unjust treatment and poor judgement calls that have affected many veterans. “ In 2013, a whistleblower revealed chronic understaffing and life threatening medical mistakes at a Mississippi VA hospital”(Leighton 4). This is just one of many different examples of the veterans affairs hospitals being unreliable. “I 2007 the Army general in charge of Walter Reed Medical Center was fired after the Washington Post revealed poor living conditions and excessive red tape at the facility”(Leighton 4). It is appalling that it has become so corrupt among the VA health care system that whistleblower have to be placed and hospital have to be shut down because of the lack of regard for care and the selfishness of the people who write the checks. In one of the above quotes it said that understaffing and possibly fatal medical mistake had occurred in the VA hospital. Why is it that the hospital was understaffed? The reason is, because the greedy people in charge are more concerned with how much they make a year rather than making sure that veterans get the care they deserve. The problem is not that the VA does not get enough money, “They pointed to the cost of veterans’ care, which they revised up from $717 billion to $943 billion- nearly $1 trillion in health and disability costs alone”(Vlahos 41), the problem is that they do not use it to help the veterans. About fifty-three veterans die each day waiting for their VA benefits to kick in while the VA is dealing with a huge backlog of claims that has amounted to about 900,000 reported (Walsh 1). The VA is putting off care for veterans to the point that many of them die each day, which causes the VA to have to pay claims to families of the

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