
Victor Frankenstein Character Analysis

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Victor Frankenstein is a vivid scientist who has easily conquered everything he has been taught by his professors. When Mary Shelley wrote the novel, Frankenstein, there was innovation in doing scientific discoveries. Some of the discoveries of human anatomy came from the use of dug up corpses. Many refer to the monster as Frankenstein while it remains unnamed in the story. In the novel Mary Shelley uses characterization to suggest the universal idea of the story is, judging others based on appearance can cause hatred and vengeance.
Mary Shelley frequently expresses the theme of judging others based on appearance can cause hatred and vengeance throughout the text. One of the first examples is evident in the following excerpt said by the monster that Frankenstein had created. When the monster runs into Victor he talks to Victor about his story “God in pity made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours.” (Shelley 154). Victor Frankenstein had made a monster when he went to university. Victor was very talented and had discovered how to bring the dead back to life, he kept this secret to himself. Victor makes this monster which he later abandoned due to fear. The monster isn’t very smart and he travels town to town trying to learn new things. The towns kick him out because he is very scary. He learns when he looks through the window of the Delacy’s where Felix is teaching a woman from Iraq how to read speak and write.

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