
Victor Frankenstein Not Human Quotes

Decent Essays

I strongly believe that the creature made by Victor Frankenstein is indeed very human. I say this because he shows many human traits. Some of these traits are that he can feel complex emotion's and he has a higher intellect than most animals such as humans. In this essay I will also discuss multiply reasons some might use as evidence to support the claim that he is not human and why they are not sufficient to make the conclusion that the creature made by Frankenstein is not human.

First, I will be discussing why Frankenstein's creature is human because he feels complex emotion's. Some of the emotions that I and referring to are jealousy, agony, remorse, love, and ambition. One piece of evidence that shows he has some of these traits are on page 190 paragraph 2 where he states " Do you think that I was then dead to agony and remorse? Thing ye that the groan of Clerval were music to my ears?". This quote shows that the creature I feels remorse and agony while also showing that he isn't emotionless and that the killing of Clerval was not fun for him and he only did it because he was angry at Victor. Another piece of evidence I have to support my claim can be seen on page 115 paragraph 2 were the creature states "You must create a family for me with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being". This quote shows that the creature wants love for more …show more content…

A piece of evidence to support this claim can be seen on page 101 paragraph 1 where the creature states "I learned from the views of social, to admire their virtues, and to deprecate the vices of mankind". In this text the creature talks about human social views and uses very complex vocabulary words showing his high intelligence. Another example can be found on page 98 through 100. In the pictures you can see the creature learning English a human language which is only spoken by

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