It is vital that you know who the real monster in the Frankenstein book, Victor Frankenstein is the number one contender for this position. He creates a monster, but who knows if the actual monster he created is the true monster in this story. In later chapters the true monster is revealed, Victor Frankenstein takes fault for the deaths of Justine, William, and Henry even though he wasn’t the actual cause of their death. Although the monster was created by Victor, he is still horrid and disgusted by how his monsters look and abandons his creation because of his unpleasant demeanor. Victor didn’t accept the monster and decided to avoid coming into contact with the monster, woefully the monster later commits an evil act and kills Justine …show more content…
Throughout the story the Frankenstein’s monster is referred to as a true monster because of the different acts that he has committed, yet throughout the story the reader is made aware of the compassion and morality that Victor’s” creature possesses, like a real human. Victor is the true monster in this horror novel, because he possesses many of the characteristics that would define what a monster is. Victor Frankenstein created his monster due to his eagerness for alchemy and his unnatural obsession with being like God. Victor does not take into account the consequences of his actions. Victor rejects his creation the moment he lays eyes on it, and this caused the monster to perform the acts that he did. The cruel rejection is what begins the a journey that will soon enough be end of Victor. After Victor decides to go back on creating his monster a mate, he then destroys the half made creature which anger Frankenstein’s monster and this cause him wreak revenge on his creator. The monster tells Victor that he will be at his wedding night and the killing spree beings, Victor loses his father, and his friend Henry Clerval because of what Victor had done. In my opinion I believe that should have stuck to creating his monster a mate and this would have made things easier for him and
In Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein should be depicted as the real monster for attempting to recreate God’s creation. Instead, it is his creation who has to pay the price for Victor’s wrong doings. While his creation pays the price, he still finds a way to become his own hero as well. It may go unsaid but the monster has the will to keep on going. Through his life he still finds a way to live. The monster in Frankenstein talks about himself for a bit and says this “ I have good dispositions; my life has been hitherto harmless and in some degree beneficial; but a fatal prejudice clouds their eyes, and where they ought to see a feeling and kind friend, they behold only a detestable monster (159.)” The monster tries to act right but it seems as if whatever he does his actions are misunderstood. Yet, like a child he is pure and unaware of his doings. The courageous step he takes is asking Victor Frankenstein to create him a mate to live his life with. The monster is aware of how fearful his creator is of him but still approaches him and is not afraid to ask for his request. It was a baby step into a new
This is when Frankenstein decides to do the right thing and not create a female monster for his creation to be with. When Victor is faced with a question on the subject, he thinks about his morals and says that the monster, “may render him the most miserable of men, but (the monster) shall never make base of him in his own eyes.” (129) This shows that Victor might actually have some heart after all, at least for himself, if not the ones he cares about. He believes that if he were to, “create another like (the monster), their joint wickedness may desolate the world.” (129) Ceding to the monster’s demands would be unethical because of two reasons: another monster to wreak havoc upon the world, and the potential for “monster babies”, which is to be feared for obvious reasons. Therefore, Victor is correct in refusing to grant the monster’s demands.
Another aspect of romanticism that is prevalent in Shelly’s novel is the way Frankenstein, and his creation, are controlled by their emotions. Frankenstein is continually ruled by his feelings of fear, guilt, and love throughout the novel. For instance, he works for nearly two years to accomplish his goal of creating life, only to immediately flee because of fear when his work comes to life. This was a major illustration for the reader that despite being an experienced scientist Frankenstein was still ruled by emotions. In a large portion of the novel Frankenstein seems to be completely motivated by his fear of the creature he created. When his brother died, he feared people discovering his secret so he let an innocent woman stand trial. When the monster requested a partner, his fear of the monster propelled him to try, only to have his fear of having two creatures alive stop him from completing the work. At the end of the story, Frankenstein’s anger over the death of his family members propelled him to chase the creature across the frozen waters, which lead to his death. Frankenstein was a brilliant thinker who was continually consumed and motivated by his emotions. Frankenstein’s creation was also very much controlled by his emotions. After he is created and Frankenstein flees from him, he searches across the land to find companions. The creature is repeatedly rejected because of his looks, and because of that he is self-conscience of the fact that he is
Victor decides to destroy the mate he is creating because he feels tricked from the creatures smile. Victor is afraid that the girl creature is going to reject him and roam somewhere in the world, she might be stronger than he is, and she might even kill him. i know this because it shows and says in the book what i just typed here. When Victor Frankenstein destroyed the monster it made the monster very angry because as you know victor destroyed it because of the creatures creepy smile and at that time victor didn't feel tricked by the monster but when he seen the creatures smile he felt
In Mary Shelley's book Frankenstein, the actions by Victor had substantial consequences that initially would make one believe that Victor is a monster. Despite that, Victor is not a monster, though he is in no way an innocent man. He did not intend to bring life to a monstrous creature that inflicted harm on many people, yet he still needs to be held responsible. The definition of a monster is a person who has no regard for the well-being of others, one who harms and terrorizes others for their own self-gain. Going off of that definition, the creature is a monster.
For years, people have thought of Frankenstein as the monster, though the idea could be easily understood, Frankenstein is truly the doctor. The cunning mind behind Dr. Frankenstein and his gruesome monster is an author known by the name of Mary Shelley. Mary Shelley faced many despair filled moments throughout her life, events including, miscarriages, suicides, and affairs. These events marked the beginning of Frankenstein and with it a new era of writing.
The portrayal of Victor to the reader in the first part of the novel is completely different than the portrayal made by the monster, when introduced as a character that is capable of speech and thoughts. The monster, two years after his creation, has a conversation with Frankenstein and is quite upset with the nature of the human race. After being rejected by every person he tried to form a relationship with, he bargains with Victor. The monster having only been alive for a short period of time, has already been hardened by the cruel realities of the world and is set upon living out of sight with a second monster, whom Victor had promised to create, though he never holds up to the deal. The fiend, in response, speaks of Victor as the “monster”, the one who had created his horrid situation, yelling at him, “You, my tyrant and tormentor,” (143). The monster views Victor as the wrongdoer. By placing him in such a horrible world, he sees Victor Frankenstein as selfish, the embodiment of evil and as a monster. This view of Victor is quite different from the original perspective given to the
Tragic hero’s can come in all shapes and sizes. They may appear as a villain in multiple works of literature. In the novel, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, the tragic hero is the creature. He is a main character whose faults led to his overall downfall. Often, the creature is misinterpreted by people to be named Frankenstein because he is such a prominent character. While the creature is able to identify the faults in mankind it is only after extreme suffering on his own part.
The monster is hurt,so he swears revenge on Victor. The monster kills his family and friends. Victor ends up dieing, and shortly after the monster commits suicide. Victor Frankenstein is the true monster of the story because of his selfish actions, his judgmental attitude, and he was rude to the monster.
Here however, is where the Monster begins to truly straddle the line between, one of the most human and inhuman characters in the novel. He commits the murders to cause Frankenstein pain, not for fun, but so that Victor may experience but a fraction of the pain he himself has felt. Growing up, the monster was spurned because of his appearance, even attacked because of it, being left “grievously bruised by stones, and other missile weapons”(chapter XI, page 41). Being rejected by the rest of the world, the Monster turns to his creator as a last hope of finding happiness. He demands for Victor to create a bride for him, and promises that in return for this Frankenstein
Victor Frankenstein, who is dedicated to science has created a monster. Victor has experienced a tragedy of his mother death during childbirth. The death of his mother has inspired him to bringing back life from death. Without knowing of creating the monster, Victor life would change and his personality. How was Victor before and after creating the monster?
The novel of Frankenstein shows how the monster demonstrates a mad character; the monster is mainly looking for justice, other than injustice. The monster became more freely after the death of Victor, since there wasn't really anything else he could do but just move on and accept the fact that people will always see him different. The novel Frankenstein mainly demonstrates the significance of the monster through murder. Victor shouldn't have rejected his creation just because he didn't turn out to be what Victor had wanted, because it only lead the monster to suffering by sadness, and then leading to the monster seeking for revenge. Due to the fact that everyone feared the monster, and wouldn't give him a chance to express himself due to his
To start off, Victor is the monster because he started the whole thing by creating the creature and he could of stopped or not even make the monster at all. “But now that I finished, the beauty of a dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.(Shelley 51) Victor knew it was something bad and horrible, he could have done something to end it at the beginning so all the bad things wouldn't happen. He should of stopped but he didn’t, so he is the one to blame for all the deaths. “Oh! no mortal could support the horror of that countenance. A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch.”(Shelley 52) If he knew it was not good for society he shouldn't have let it go out in the wild. He wasn’t careful and he made the biggest mistake of his life which made him a monster because he made that bad choice to make the monster. It makes him the monster of the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
While Victor Frankenstein was initially excited upon the completion of his prototype, that reaction very quickly turns into disgust. He realizes the creature he just created is completely opposite of what he expected. In chapter 5, Victor says in disgust, “How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavored to form?” (42). For the time and work Victor committed on completing this project he expected his prototype to be very attractive and beautiful, but instead Victor is horrified from the so-called monster's appearance and flees his lab to runaway from the monster. The way the monster is left alone can be compared to a newborn baby being born to nonexistent parents, having to completely grow up and learn on its own. This is exactly the situation the monster is in due to Victor completely abandoning him just because he was unattractive. In chapter 11, The monster describes his time learning everything around him. "It is with considerable difficulty that I remember the original era of my being; all the events of that period appear confused and indistinct.” (84). The quote describes how the monster had to learn basically everything from hearing to speaking on his own, while Victor the selfish person just completely abandoned the monster. While Victor tries and forgets that he created this monster, the monster is
I think that victor should make the monster a “friend”. The monster has been in the wrong and maybe he needs someone to help him. I believe that he should make a woman monster because I feel like he owes the monster a partner because he just, made the monster and let him go. Secondly I believe that the monster needs a partner or a lover. Lastly if Frankenstein makes another monster he could perfect his science and maybe he’ll know what to do and know everything about his science.