
Video Game Violence : Virtual Violence

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Video Game Violence: Virtual violence v. Real-world violence Miguel Rodriguez Holguin Southern New Hampshire University The video game industry has grown to gigantic proportions; it’s a medium of entertainment that has great influence over the youth and adults globally. As with any media channel it is diverse in its content from childish themes to more mature topics. The industry’s success has been plagued by many critics and sociology experts all whom criticize the library of violent video games stating that its detrimental to the overall health of its user, especially the adolescents, and that exposure to violent video games lead to real-life violence. Studies by various psychiatrists have been conducted in order to find the correlation between violent video games and real-life acts of violence and the majorities of the studies were inconclusive and are often inconsistent in their findings. According to N, Carnagey. , C, Anderson & B, Bushman (2007) “A study conducted by US Surgeon General on whether violent video games desensitizes people to real-life violence”(Para. 5). Unfortunately there has not been any published research on the topic however; many studies suggest that repeated exposure to violence in video games desensitize the individual to real violence but all the studies fail to provide solid proof. This matter is understandable, continuous exposure to violence in any type of media should have the same effect more or less not just video games.

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