
Vietnam War Song Woodstock

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The total Vietnam War story needs to be told V.S. Country Joe's Anti Vietnam War Song Woodstock Both this song and this article tell of Vietnam and how we should not have been there. Both tell of how there was terrible loss and almost nobody wanted to be in Vietnam. They both describe the reasons that we were there, to an extent at least. Both are from the same era, and heard by many. Both are important pieces of history that make us remember our mistakes. But the song talks about how all things Vietnam were bad. The article talks about how the war was lost and it was not our place to be there. The difference between the song and the Article and the song is that the song does not show that there were good people in vietnam. The article …show more content…

Both the song and this article talk about the loss we suffered in vietnam. The song mentions sending your kid away and having them come home in a box. The Article talks of how long the war was and how we suffered major losses. Both the article and the song talk of how the Vietnam war was not our fight, and we had no business being there. Both the article and the song are seemingly anti Vietnam. The song talks about how we as a people need to stop and look around at what was going on. As a country we were not stopping something that was wrong, and we were even lied to by our president. The article is more stories and factual things that were happening like missions. The article had a more factual point of view. The song was based on feeling like most are. The song was more widely heard and was more influential. Eve of Destruction by Barry Mcguire And Nov. 15, 1969 Anti-war Protest Both the Eve of Destruction, and the protest are clearly anti-Vietnam articles. Both the protest and the song are strongly against the war in Vietnam. The song talks about being against the draft. The protesters are protesting the war and the draft. Neither the song or protest agree with the supposedly just reason that we were involved in the civil war, it wasn't our

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