
View, Imagery, And Tone

Decent Essays

Bram Stoker utilizes point of view, imagery, and tone to illustrate Lucy’s pre-transformative phase through a diary entry, giving further context to various symbols in Chapter 11 of Dracula.
In Chapter 10, Lucy undergoes multiple blood transfusions and is given an ample supply of garlic bulbs and flowers by Van Helsing to ensure her well-being, but without much explanation on his behalf. Chapter 11 begins with Mrs. Westerna removing the garlic flowers from Lucy’s room overnight, alarming Van Helsing, and leaving Lucy in need of another blood transfusion and rest.
Bram Stoker, by way of narrator Lucy Westenra, introduces a serene and healing scene by stating, “Four days and nights of peace. I am getting so strong again that I hardly know myself” (Stoker 124). By utilizing first person point of view, he allows the reader to enter the mind of the Lucy, giving way to her developments and self-reflection concerning her physical state. She describes her time of sickness as passing through “some long nightmare” and waking “to see the beautiful sunshine and feel the fresh air of the morning” (124). This appeals to the senses, creating a vivid image that readers can connect with. Lucy goes on to recount the darkness she felt during times of unease and healing. She describes her episodes of obscurity as “long spells of oblivion”, defined in The Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the state of something that is not remembered, used, or thought about any more” (124; “Oblivion”). The

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