
Vincent Van Gogh Research Papers

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Vincent Van Gogh was a post-impressionist painter, born in the Netherlands on March 30, 1853. He died on July 29, 1890, in France at the age of 37. Sadly, Vincent was poor and virtually unknown his entire life. Currently his work is known for its beauty, emotion, and color, and although he tried many times never sold a single painting. Van Gogh struggled with mental illness, despite this, his work highly influenced 20th century art and still wildly popular today. Van Gogh’s passion for art likely began as a child. His mother, Anna Cornelio Carbentus, was an emotional artist, with a love of nature, drawing and watercolors. As a child Van Gogh was a mildly sad child. At ag 15, his family was having financially issues, and was forced to leave school to work. He got a job working for his Uncle Cornelis, at and art dealership, Goupil & Cie. Van Gogh, by this point, was already fluent in French, German, and English, and of course Dutch. In June of 1873, Van Gogh was transferred to the Groupil Gallery in London. When he did, he fell in love with the English culture. He enjoyed reading Charles Dickens and George Eliot, and visited art galleries whenever he could. He as well fell in love with his landlady’s daughter, Eugenie Loyer, who he proposed to. When she turned him down he completely broke down, throwing away all his book …show more content…

Even though he was raised by a religious family, this is when he really started to consider devoting his life to the church. Wishing to become a minister. He tried several other times to start a career, but either refused to take the final exams, or was disliked by the committee. It wasn’t until the fall of 1880 that Van Gogh decided to become and artist. He moved to Brussels to pursue his goal. Vincent’s younger brother Theo, an art dealer, wanted to support him financially. He began studying books like Travaux des chanps, and Course de

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