
Vincent Van Gogh The Potato Eaters

Decent Essays

Poverty is considered one of the biggest issues in the world. Books, music, and art have strived to shine a light on it recently. Books write about how main characters struggle, steal, and suffer. In music, groups of musicians have been known to get together and sing a song for charities and to help others. Art has always had a political point of view and today we are going to discuss that. The Potato Eaters by Vincent Van Gogh highlights the struggles of living poor. Color plays a strong part in showing emotion, mood, and setting the tone. In this painting the artist sets the mood by portraying a dimly lit room with only one source of light. All the highlights and shadows come from one direction with no other visible or suggested light around. …show more content…

This is especially shown through each of the family member’s body language and faces. The father is worried, focusing on the grandmother (who might be his mother). He is sitting slouched with a low hanging neck. His expression reads anxiety, worry, and care. The mother tells the opposite story, she only appears to be worried and focused on one thing, her husband. It seems that he isn’t eating much and she seems to be worried about his health and wellbeing. As a good wife does, she cares about her family so much that she can be consumed with worry and anxiety for them. The grandfather’s eyes tell a story of deep sadness and unhappiness. He looks at his wife with love and worry, while holding out a cup asking for more tea. It’s a loving gesture despite the grandmother’s unhappy disposition. The grandmother looks down in sadness and worry, perhaps because while she pours the tea, she gets to watch her whole family experience what she felt as a mother growing up. Watching the little one grow up in a life of hardships while the parents tried as hard as they could to transcend that. The daughter’s back facing the audience is significant because often times, growing up without the privileges other children may have had can be an embarrassing thing. She shows her back in shame and you can see her head falling slightly, probably because while her family worries for everyone, she worries for herself. Being poor is often romanticized in movies, but the reality is that it is one of life’s greater hardships. Not everyone is given the same opportunities and because of that, most people grow up and live a life of

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