
Violence In Sport Research Paper

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Is Violence okay? Research tells that sexual assault and assault rates among male athletes are higher than nonathletes and that is problematic. There are things about playing sports and being an athlete that might contribute to this such as a need for education. The research should that 54 percent of student-athletes admitted to at least one “sexually coercive act in their lifetimes such as sexual assault (Cara, 2016). Nonathletes however only had 38 percent still admitted the same. These athletes were also more likely to support attitudes toward men and believe myths about rape than the nonathletic. It should you there is a problem with athletes and assault or the number would be even for both groups. Researchers believe that this could be due to …show more content…

Another problem this can lead is the children that watch them could start to initiate them. There needs to be a major change in our culture to stop the violence that is going on right under our noses. This need for dominance needs to stop because they are nothing these males need to prove to anyone. With people accepting violence inside of sports is no wonder some people overlook their behaviors outside of sports. This affects the people that promote them even when they are in the wrong and cause pain to the image of the sport. The image of these athletes is ruined with the media there are like celebrities and if they assault or sexual assault someone everyone knows about it. Its time for these organization to step up and do something about these issues. The research shows a problem and that means there is still more research to be done to find out why athletes assault and sexual assault rates are higher. Violence happens every day and on a regular basis. With it happening everyday people will keep believing this is just a part of manhood, that they should get the special privilege, and will continue to be the little of the society. Violence is okay when we are fighting to stop what pains it

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