
Violence In Stown As A Classic Southern Gothic Literature

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After countless hours of talking, Brian pieces together the story of Woodstock, Alabama, and John B, into a classic piece of southern gothic literature. Stown is a classic depiction of literature in this genre. It fits in the definitions of classic southern gothic literature, but as the story unfolds readers and listeners come to realize that it is slightly outside of the box. Stown is a classic southern gothic literature piece, because of its irony, violence, and decay. One of the main characteristics of southern gothic literature is violence.. The violence in Stown involves violence as always being an option and the threat of violence as always present. The men of Black Sheep Ink, Tyler, and John show us that violence is inherent in southern roots. An example that stands out is Tyler’s view of justice and revenge. He found it to be a suitable punishment to cut the fingers off of a man who supposedly stole from him. Tyler says “I had a chair sitting out there in that shed and some damn snips hedge clipper snips propped up beside it, waiting. And I was going to cut a finger or two off. I mean, I was going to snip fingers until he had my guns delivered back here.” Brian does not understand this at all, but Tyler sees this as completely acceptable. This goes back to his upbringing and lack of trust in the judicial system of Bibb County. This shows to listeners and readers how violence is always an option in Tyler and others mentality. If violence is always an option, then

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