
Virtual Memory Management For Operating System Kernels 5

Better Essays

Operating Systems
Joondalup campus

Assignment 1
Memory Management

Tutor: Don Griffiths

Author: Shannon Baker (no. 10353608)


Virtual Memory with Pages 2
Virtual Memory Management 2
A Shared Virtual Memory System for Parallel Computing 3
Page Placement Algorithms for Large Real-Indexed Caches 3
Virtual Memory in Contemporary Microprocessors 3
Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures 4

Virtual Memory with Segmentation 4
Segmentation 4
Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS 4
Virtual Memory 5
Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels 5
A Fast Translation Method for Paging on Top of Segmentation 5

References 6

Virtual Memory with Pages
Virtual Memory Management
(Deitel, Deitel, & Choffnes, 2004)
A page replacement strategy is used to determine which page to swap when the main memory is full. There are several page replacement strategies discussed in this book, these methods are known as Random, First-In-First-Out, Least-Recently-Used, Least-Frequently-Used and Not-Used-Recently. The Random strategy randomly selects a page in main memory for replacement, this is fast but can cause overhead if it selects a frequently used page. FIFO removes the page that has been in the memory the longest. LRU removes the page that has been least recently accessed, this is more efficient than FIFO but causes more system overhead. LFU replaces pages based on

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