
Virtue Ethics And Virtue Ethics: Case Study In Ethics

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Lying is one of the ethics cases that usually happen in our daily life. We know that lying is a one of unethical behaviour that everyone must avoid because it will give harm to a person that has been cheated. The case study that we choose was written by Tim C. Mazur about lying. Based on this case study, Tim C. Mazur was written about Ross Perot's who a politician person that lied about he secretly investigated his presidential campaign volunteers. And according to a philosopher, Immanuel Kant said that lying was always morally wrong. Besides that, second perspective which is virtue ethics that Tim C. Mazur was discuss in this case study also maintains that lying is morally wrong but though less strictly than Immanuel Kant perspective …show more content…

Virtue ethicists focus on the development of character or what people should be. As we know, it is not always good point to lie in a business. But there may be some situations, where it is okay to lie in business context when the person who is lying in a positive purpose. For example when someone is lying for attracting the investors because they are going to help out the company to sale out their share and dividends. When a person is lying it should be for positive purpose means to avoid the risk and to attract the customer buy their share. Their intentions are not based on their self but there are thinking about other, in this case the worker makes a decision to lie only for their company behalf. And it’s not fair to fire the employees are lying because first of all manager should analyse the situation because whenever an employee lie they may be a situation in which he cannot speak the truth. The managers should notice the outcome of the lie of their employees. How advantages they are, in short what I can say that the manager should analyse that, why employees are lying, what would the situation behind his action. The employee may have some reasons to lie so, the manager should understand the nature of the problem. Manager must give her employees a second chance to explain why she was lying. Maybe she was lying because of positive

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