
Vision For America

Better Essays

My Vision for America Imagine a world free from disease, free from hate, free from hunger, with better education, and most importantly free from pollution. Seems impossible doesn’t it, well, that's why I’m considered an optimist. Though faith in humanity is almost gone, through new generations maybe we can re inspire this country. One of my biggest aspirations for this country is for America to be disease free. There have been major advances in the field of medicine. Though it’s hard for scientists, it looks like America will soon be completely drug free and will soon be able to give all it’s citizens vaccinations and cures for ailments. The biggest challenge for America to do but I feel that eventually, with the free health care act, we will be able to accomplish so much. There is so much hate in today's world that it is almost sickening. A child cries in the bathroom over bullies. A girl starves herself because someone called her fat. I feel its sickening we need to stop all this hate and lies. It’s almost impossible nowadays for someone to express themselves without them being weird. Teachers need to actually tell a bully to stop when they see it happening, or even get the bully in trouble. They need to have stricter punishments for bullies. This I feel is one …show more content…

Sad, I know, but this didn’t have to happen there needs to be a way for homeless people to back up after they’ve been knocked down and deserted. I feel like we need to get our priorities straight and instead of trying to help all these third world countries we need to help our own people and get them on their feet before we try and help someone from another country. I know it sounds horrible and selfish but we need to realize that there is hardly anything we can do for those third world countries halfway across the world but there is so much we as a nation can do for our poor and

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