
Voluntary Reading Levels

Decent Essays

I began my research by looking at the National Center for Education Statistics home page, where among other topics of interest, I noticed a "data snapshot" that claimed "46% of fourth-graders read for fun on their own time almost every day in 2011" (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012, n. pag.), which seemed an alarmingly low proportion to me, if reading is generally considered linked to vocabulary acquisition and further educational attainment. More alarming still, I found that while the proportion of fourth-graders' self-motivated reading has increased for some groups, it has fallen for others, and eighth-graders' voluntary reading levels fell even further (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012). This indicated a trend in fourth- and eighth- graders' reading habits over time, but also within the group 'readers from fourth to eighth grade' as the individuals in the first cohort aged into the second cohort. If the 19 per cent of eighth-graders who read voluntarily were the same fourth-graders who read at 46 per cent levels four years ago, the result would indicate a decline in voluntary reading by more than half, over potentially the most important formative years for students' future performance. I found multiple trends, across fourth-graders in successive rounds and longitudinally, as these readers aged into higher grades. Worse, voluntary reading was especially low for lower socio-economic groups and some racial categories. What could cause such a

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