
Voter Suppression And Voting Suppression

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What is voter suppression?
The voter suppression strategy is used to influence the outcome of an election by dissuading voters from exercising their right to vote. Voter suppression should not be comparable to campaigning because the two differs significantly. Campaigning in its political sense is the ability to change voter’s likelihood of voting behavior to change their opinions through persuasion. Voter suppression on the other hand attempts to reduce the number of voters by means of suppression.

History of voter suppression The United States first began to deal with the issue of voter suppression during the Reconstruction. During Reconstruction freed slaves earned their right to vote and hold office through the fifteenth amendment in 1870. In 1877, Democrats, known as Dixiecrats, began to impose laws that were designed to suppress the African American vote or better known as Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow voting laws required the freedmen to pass literacy tests that they were unable to pass because of no formal education because of their status of slaves. Many states created poll taxes, which many poor Americans, white and black, were unable to pay. Many precincts made their voting precincts “white only” so that blacks would have nowhere to cast their votes. The Jim Crow voter suppression tactics were so successful that only three percent of African Americans in the south were registered to vote in 1940. Although African American males were given the right to vote in

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