
Wage Increases Poverty And Income Inequality In Our Economic System

Decent Essays

The minimum wage serves as a mechanism to mitigate poverty and income inequality in our economic system. It is a powerful tool in our society, ensuring that working individuals are receiving a fair wage for their labor. This law plays a huge role in American business and seeks to ensure that our capitalist economy is not benefitting from under compensating the workforce. There is a great deal of debate surrounding this topic in the political arena today, with polarizing opinions on both sides of the issue. Currently there is a movement to raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars across the country. Supporters argue that it reduces poverty and inequality while raising the living standards of a significant portion of our society. Opponents on the other hand see the minimum wage as an attack on small businesses, increased unemployment, and overreach on the part of our government. It is important to realize that raising the minimum wage will result in more positive outcomes than negative but it must be done gradually. It would boost consumer …show more content…

Higher labor costs have a clear impact on the operation of businesses, so it is important to take into account the scale of any changes to the minimum wage. In February 2014, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued a report, “The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income,” that looks into two options that should be considered. Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 or to $9.00. In the report there are distinct trade-offs. If the minimum wage was raised to $10.10, there would likely be a loss of about 500,000 jobs across the labor market, but about 16.5 million low-wage workers would see substantial gains in their earnings on a weekly basis. If raised to $9.00, the labor force would see a reduction of 100,000 jobs, but an estimated 7.6 million low-wage workers would see a boost in their weekly

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