
Waiting For Godot, By Judy Hegarty Lovett

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Waiting for Godot is known to be a classic example of “Theater of the Absurd”, drama using the neglect of conventional dramatic form to portray the ineptness of human struggle in a meaningless world. Director Judy Hegarty Lovett and actor Conor Lovett 's Beckett work with Gare St Lazare Players Ireland has gained them a reputation as two of the world 's foremost Beckett interpreters. Judy Hegarty Lovett and her husband, Conor Lovett, had a very successful year in 2014. I was very interested to see if this director/actor power couple held up to all the hype, and I was delighted to see such a strong performance by both. Conor, although working in a lot of solo plays the past year, was a pleasure to watch, and well deserved his Stage award for Acting Excellence, in 2014, for Title and Deed. Judy Hegarty did an outstanding job in the production of Waiting for Godot with the use of the simplicity of the character’s needs, and subtle comical nature.
Although reading this play was entertaining, it was a lot more eye-opening in theaters. Throughout director Judy Hegarty Lovett’s enactment, I was able to uncover themes within the performance that I was not aware of previously. With the help of absurdity and comedy, she effectively portrayed themes of choice, time, and uncertainty.
Waiting for Godot consists of two men, Vladimir (Didi) played by Conor Lovett and Estragon (Gogo) played by Gary Lydon. Together they partake in many insignificant actions while trying to kill time

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