
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett: Known The Purpose of Life

Decent Essays

In Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett shares his insight into the meaning, or lack thereof, in life. Beckett uses the stage, each character, each word, each silence, and every detail in the play to create an uncomfortably barren atmosphere, devoid of color and life. Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Godot, a man who will supposedly save them by giving them plenty of food and a place to sleep. A life spent waiting not only applies to Vladimir and Estragon but to all human beings, who each wait for his or her own Godot. Life, at least for these characters, is what happens while waiting. Godot may not come before their time passes; he may not ever come, but they will continue to wait nevertheless. Vladimir and Estragon's affectionate yet …show more content…

When Vladimir attempts to get close
Samuel Beckett’s setup for the stage of Waiting for Godot is no more than a bare tree and mound; not only does this bareness speak volumes and add to the message of the play, it also magnifies the details of what is on stage. Vladimir is visually associated with the tree, something that reaches for the heavens, so to speak, while Estragon is associated with a low mound, which is earthly and grounded. Along with the tree, Vladimir is associated with his hat, which he continually removes and puts back on, and is more likely to be deep in thought. This relates well to their personalities in that Vladimir is more intellectual than Estragon, though they both have their limits.
Though Vladimir and Estragon differ, these characters, like all human beings, are more complex than a list of traits; their roles can switch at times. Firstly, Vladimir is clearly the thinker in the pair, but when they are discussing whether to hang themselves and how to do so, Estragon is the one who thinks the whole plan through and tells Vladimir to "use his head" (Beckett, ). Secondly, Vladimir is usually the one more willing to admit their mutual need for one another, but Estragon acknowledges this when embraces Vladimir after Vladimir refuses to talk to him because he is upset with Estragon him (49). Lastly, ...
Vladimir and Estragon need each

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