
Walt Disney And The Roaring Twenties Essay

Decent Essays

Walt Disney and the Roaring Twenties It was almost too good to be true. The 1920s was a time of happiness. World War 1 was over, the economy was booming, entertainment was everywhere, women had the right to vote, consumers bought on credit and the greatest movie maker of all time began his career. There is no doubt about it, Walt Disney was talented. But it is how he used his talent that drew people in. By referring to historical events, and using the talents that he had developed since childhood, Walt Disney was able to produce movies that society could relate to and enjoy. The 1920s are known as the “roaring twenties”. According to “A Consumer Economy”, for the first time in history, buying on credit was an available option for consumers. There was a saying, “Buy now, pay later” that became a popular slogan at the time. Regular middle class families …show more content…

By the time the 1920s hit, Walt Disney was already a young man of 20 years old, and was working on his animation. Disney was born in Chicago Illinois on Dec. 5, 1901. He started drawing early in his life. When he was in highschool he drew for his school paper. That was his first drawing job but he went on to do so much more. By 1919, Disney moved to Kansas to become a newspaper artist and he opened up his own animation business. He made cartoons that he called Laugh-O-grams and that is also what he named his Studio. His studio success was short lived though, and the business went bankrupt in 1923. Disney then moved to Hollywood with his Brother Roy where he continued with his animation and invented some new characters. One character he invented was Mickey Mouse, who Americans still love today (“Walt Disney Biography”). This animated character starred (and still does) in many of Disney’s movies. Walt Disney was a huge part of the entertainment scene during the

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