
War Of 1812 Causes

Decent Essays

Have you ever thought about the causes and the history of the war of 1812?
Historically, the War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and the British. Moreover, this war was caused by a succession of economic sanctions that were captured by the British and French against the United States as part of the Napoleonic Wars and American indignation towards the British practice of impressment, mainly after the Chesapeake incident in 1807. Therefore, the United States first attempted various retaliatory embargoes as a response to the 1806 British Orders in Council, which crippled American trade. Although, these embargoes affected the United States far more than they did Britain, exasperating American citizens and providing assistance to War Hawks in Congress like Henry Clay. Subsequently, In 1812, with President Madison in office, Congress declared war against the British. “The war began with an attack on Canada, …show more content…

Specifically, the United States had a complete total of 35,000 engaged soldiers. However, the British Empire had a absolute total of 48,000 engaged soldiers at the start of the war. Thus, there was no definitive victory in this battle. Although, this provoked the British Empire to finalize their decision of no longer authorizing privateering. Furthermore, the war of 1812 also induced to end the British Empire’s strategy of impressing American sailors into the Royal Navy. In addition, “the Treaty of Ghent was finally signed on December 24, 1814 and it established the status quo ante bellum, which means that nobody lost any territory in the war. The war officially ended on February 17, 1815 when US Congress ratified the treaty.” Which specifically the duration of the war has come to an addition of two years and eight months, which was from June 1812 through February

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