
War Of 1812 Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The War of 1812 was a war between the United States and Great Britain after the American Revolution that happened in 1765 to 1783. The Treaty of Paris officially marked the end of the American Revolution. It represented the freedom of the 13 colonies and it also established the boundaries of the United States and Great Britain. The british agreed to stop interfering with the United States all together but did not uphold their promise and continued to interfere with America's shipping and trading route. That was the main causes of the War of 1812 because even though the british on June 16th, 1812 promised to stop interfering James Madison, who was President of the United States thought that the only way for Great Britain to truly stop was to go to war. Many legislators in Congress who represented rural areas voted for war and that was the first time that Congress declared war. The other causes of the war of 1812 were, that the British were practicing impressment of U.S. seamen and forcing them in the navy or the military to serve for Great Britain. The British also encouraged Native Americans to attack the U.S. as they tried to expand west and gain more territory. …show more content…

The war ended on March 23rd, 1815 and had many casualties. About 22,000 Americans were killed and the war cost the U.S. about 200 million dollars. The United humiliated the British and as a result the two countries were finally at peace. After the war ended the United States didn’t have much trouble witht the native americans anymore. When the British lost they lost their will to fight back to try to gain back the land east of the mississippi river and they gave up some of their land in the northern region of the U.S. and some of the land in the southern regions of the U.S. to the

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