
War On Diplomacy By The American Civil War

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War on Diplomacy
To the victor goes the spoils, and in war that comes with writing the ballad of history. The American Civil War was no different, and it has gone down as a moral war that pitted brother against brother, spilt the blood of hundreds of thousands Americans, and showed the world that all men truly were created equal. This war showed the world that America was willing to do whatever it took to be one nation, indivisible with liberty, and justice for all. The Confederates did not share this same worldview. For the South, there was nothing Civil about this war. This was a revolution. Misguided or not, the Southern States saw the Union as a tyrannical oppressor, and they wanted their freedom. They wanted to become a sovereign nation. They wanted to become the Confederate States of America. This was easier said than done. To the United States of America, the Confederacy was an insurrection that needed to be extinguished. The longer the war waged, the better suited the Union was to win the war. If the Confederate States were to survive, they needed international help. Badly. The primary reason for the Confederate States of America’s fervent attempts at diplomacy was to be recognized by European powers as a sovereign state. If this occurred, the Union’s plan to, “save the union,” because to the international community the South would be an independent state with the ability to receive aid and establish trade agreements (1861–1865 - Milestones - Office of the

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