
War On Drugs Analysis

Decent Essays

I will be discussing in the essay the information what I contain concerning the difference between US and Portugal when it comes to the war on drugs. Also the views from a retired police officer that pointed out a lot of positives and negatives about legalizing drugs, which will be followed with my views on the over all topic concerning the state of my country when it comes to the war on drugs and the financial gain it could benefit from.

In 1970 the Netherlands relax there laws on drugs. They realize there on take of the drug epidemic needed a different view than the rest of the world, this didn’t go over well with the other countries, they felt that the Neverland’s wasn’t taking this situation seriously. By 1980 Amsterdam tourist level was damaged by the …show more content…

Us as a country need to look at the changes Portugal has taken, our drug problem is at a all time high, if we where to relax and monitor the drug epidemic our country could win in so many ways. If they where to take the approach that officer Peter Christ was stating that if the government would change the law like they did with alcohol in the 1930s, or the tobacco industry the laws they changed to help control any of those industries. He made it clear if we make it accessible to get the chances of someone to comment a crime to receive the drugs could go down. Because when you look at the war on drugs we as a country we are loosing. A 30 year war on drugs and the epidemic is out of control. Also the amount of income the country could gain instead if spending billions of dollars to fight that is a on going fight. If they where to legalize it a least we can educate, monitor and benefit from it. Our prison system wouldn’t be as crowed. I also feel that it would create jobs, and the level of crime could go down. Yes it would be ups and downs at first but you don’t know till you

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