
Was Andrew Jackson A Hero Or A Villain

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The President of the United States could be classified a hero or a villain. Andrew Jackson could be considered both. He expanded the United States but he also killed a lot of indians to do that. He got rid of the National bank and helped the poor people but hurt the bankers in the north doing that and added fuel to the fire of the Civil War. This paper is about how he helped the US by hurting others, can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs right?

The trail of tears looking back at it is a disaster, but that’s how people thought back then, It wasn't all his fault it's what people wanted and him as the president to carry that out. He should something about how the Indians were treated like give them housing or the right clothing …show more content…

That helped the people in the US but hurt the people that owned banks or where rich. That made the people in the north pretty mad because that's what the north is banks and money. This made the north mad and added tension leading to the Civil war.

The manifest destiny was Andrew Jackson's view that we have the god-given right to expand west. It was a good thing he expanded the US, can you imagine the United States without the 49ers or gold or the Lakers or the west in general, it doesn't feel right does it? How he did it was bad though, Andrew Jackson might not have been the one in charge when this was going on but he is the one responsible. The government killed all of the Indians that moved west and survive the cold and rain then got cheated out of 6 million dollars that they were supposed to get anyway, we could have did that part different.

The things Andrew Jackson did in his Presidency was probably looked on in two different ways, one being he killed and lied to the Indians which is horrible and he could have found ways around that, but he also expanded the U.S. and ended slavery (He helped start the war and was all for slavery but the south lost there fore he could have been a main reason it ended). I think Andrew Jackson was neither a Hero or a Villain just a product of his

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