
Was Rome Responsible For The Fall Of The Byzantine Empire?

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The Romans had a long rule from 27 BC to when the East and West decided to split for separate rule in 395 AD. The Western Roman Empire met a dramatic end by the year 476 AD. Whereas the Eastern Roman Empire more formally referred to as the “Byzantine Empire” had a successful long rule until their heartbreaking defeat after the loss of their heart City Constantinople. The Romans were as of gods during their rule. They had a significantly long rule, about a 1500 year long rule behind them and their army. However, all good things must come to an end, the Byzantine empire had come to a halt after the crushing defeat during the siege of Constantinople led by Sultan Mehmet 2. Even Though the Byzantine Empire was weak for quite some time how responsible was Sultan Mehmet 2 for the fall of the Byzantine Empire. With Constantinople being the last standing hope for the Byzantine Empire Mehmet saw this as a perfect opportunity to take control of it and bring an end to the Byzantine Empire thus making him the main the main factor on why …show more content…

However, the Byzantines had exhausted their resources and thrown themselves into that compromisable position.
The Byzantines could be held partly accountable for their own defeat. When the Romans split between East and West the Western Roman Empire had established a government whereas the Eastern Roman Empire had not which could be one of the reasons why the Byzantines had lost Constantinople due to improper authority. However, some could argue that the reason they had ruled significantly longer than the Western Roman Empire was because the Western Empire had such a poor government whereas the Byzantines had relied solely on religion to keep them fighting for what they felt was right. While

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