
Was Segregation Justified

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Segregation is one of the most unjust and unfair things that can happen to a person. It takes away people’s rights as human beings. It also takes away people’s natural born rights; it is inhumane to restrict people‘s rights. People who were segregated had less than adequate facilities and didn’t have the right tools to get an education. Segregation diminishes peoples’ rights as human beings and takes away from the liberties granted by God. Overall, segregation was a very atrocious part of American history.
However, others thought segregation was justified. First, segregation denied people’s basic rights because it prevented people from doing everyday things or things that would have helped them succeed. For example, “ Arkansas governor Orval …show more content…

“Plessy was one-eighth black by heritage, but in the state of Louisiana he was legally considered black... the train company knew Plessy was coming and had him arrested almost as soon as he stepped onto the car” (source C). This exemplifies that, even though people were American citizens, if they were the slightest percent black they were still subject to the harsh growing laws of Jim Crow. In addition, even though Plessy was one-eighth African American he still didn’t have the right to sit in the same train car as the other white people. Another additional example of segregation was Rosa Parks. “She stepped onto the bus...and sat in the fifth row—the first row of the colored section” then James Black ordered Parks to move to the back of the bus,(source A). This proves that even when the African Americans sat in the section designated to them, they were still subject to moving to fit white people. This also shows the attitude that black people were not valued to the extent that white people were. Thus, segregation restricted the rights of African Americans and was overall

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