
Was Socrates Research Paper

Decent Essays

Research Essay Question – “Was Socrates the only real philosopher?”
The interpretation of whether Socrates was the only real philosopher comes from Plato, after Socrates was tainted with the sophistic brush, scorned by society and brought to trial. This statement originates from Plato’s Apology, where he defends Socrates against the claim that he is merely a sophist, perusing the corruption of youth, through false augments and rhetoric. I however, wish to argue that Plato never regarded, nor defended, Socrates as the ‘only’ real philosopher. Rather, he presented Socrates as one of the many ‘real’ philosophers. Assimilating him with the likes of the seven sages, while separating him from the sophists of the time. In order to elevate the identity and occupation of his master Socrates, Plato makes the distinction between a sophist and a philosopher; Sophists were deceivers who only seek to influence others by use of rhetoric and does not offer true knowledge, and the philosopher was a lover of wisdom who sought truth …show more content…

I argue that that there are many Pre-Socratic philosophers who attempt to find truth in nature. Such as, Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes, to name a few. These ‘real’ philosophers attempted to give a naturalistic explanation of the world based on a fundamental principle, an arche. It can be argued that this was a shift in thinking, moving away from mythical accounts to more a more rational one. However, I would argue that mythical echoes are still evident in their thoughts. Nevertheless, these philosophers attempted to find truth in their world, and by Plato’s definition of a philosopher, they should certainly be considered real philosophers. I will also be touching on Aristotle, Pyrrho, and other pre-Socratics, but only

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