
Was The Ku Klux Klan Effective In The 1920s

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In the 20th century, sit down and imagine living in a dark, cold world where you are being abused, murdered just because of your skin color. A lot of family members, neighbors, and friends have to watch each other go through tough times and it was horrible. The Ku Klux Klan is classified as a hate group, and throughout their summary in history in forced blacks and their minorities to live in fear that they did not deserve. The Ku Klux Klan was very effective in the 1920s. It was nearly seven million men, women, and children that were in the Klan. It was at its height of its popularity. It was over 4,000 chapters over the United States. The Klan regarded as akin to Klan of Reconstruction era and Civil Rights era, a radical movement, attracting

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