
Washington Square Betrayal Quotes

Decent Essays

Betrayal is one of the predominant themes in the novel, if not the most dominant theme in the novel. However, it is not the only major theme. Some characters get betrayed whilst others perform betrayal. This will be discussed in this essay with close reference to Washington Square as a whole.

Many characters in Washington Square feel betrayed and often do not realize that they too, betray various other characters in the novel. Dr. Sloper feels as though Catherine betrays him due to her unwillingness to follow his instructions, or rather demands, with regards to Morris Townsend. Dr. Sloper goes as far as saying that he will disown Catherine for ‘’breaking his heart’’.

Even though Lavinia Penniman knew that Dr. Sloper did not want Morris Townsend and Catherine together, Lavinia still encourages it and in doing that, betrays Dr. Sloper, bringing one back to the theme of betrayal in the novel. …show more content…

Sloper feel betrayed by his daughter and sister but also by his wife and son for dying and leaving him. This is also seen as ironic because he is a doctor and is portrayed to be an intelligent, diligent man, however, could not save his wife and child when it came to it. This also sparks a feeling of resentment in Dr. Sloper towards Catherine because she is nothing extraordinary and very simple, ‘’dull’’ and plain in his eyes, because of this, Dr. Sloper feels betrayed yet again.

Moreover, one the biggest and most dramatic betrayals in the novel is when, Morris abandons Catherine, even though she sacrificed so much for Morris. This also proves Dr. Sloper to be right bout Morris and his intentions. Thus, adding to Dr. Sloper’s resentfulness towards Catherine because he now feels even more superior to her than before because he is right and told her about Morris and the type of person her is.

Furthermore, Lavinia betrays Catherine because she looks out or protects Morris more than she does for Catherine, her own

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