
Waste Management: Landfill and volatilization

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Australians are the second highest producers of waste in the world. Australians generate approximately 43.8 million tonnes of waste, which averages out to 2,080 kilograms of waster per person each year. Australia depends on landfill for waste management. It was found in 2007 that 21.3 million tonnes of rubbish had been disposed into landfill (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010). These numbers are only rising as Australia’s population increases on a daily basis.

Landfill is the disposal of waste materials by burying them; it can sometimes be used s a method of filling in deep pits in the ground. Landfills can be a problem as they can cause the spread of some diseases as they can offer a home for rats and flies, which could carry many different diseases. Landfills can also be a problem as they can emit many various gasses, which can be hazards to people’s health and the environment.

Landfills are made up of 6 different parts. Each of these parts are designed to address issues that may occur in a landfill. These parts include the bottom liner system, which separates trash and subsequent leachate from groundwater. The next part is the cells, which is where the trash is stored within the landfill. The storm water drainage system collects rain water that falls on the landfill. Leachate collection system is the next part which makes the landfill up. This system collects water that has percolated through the landfill itself and contains some contaminating substances. The

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