
Water And Water Pollution In The United States

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Two very important types of pollution the world is affected by are air and water pollution. According to Webster’s Dictionary, air pollution is a substance in the air that has harmful effects to the health of living organisms. The types of air pollutants that can harm people are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and ozone. These can come in either a gaseous or particulate form. Water pollution is defined as “The form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compound” (Webster’s Dictionary). Water pollution affects lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater, and sometimes the water we drink.
Air pollution can come in many different …show more content…

Littering is a form of land pollution, the destruction of land and misuse of land resources (Smith), that affects both water and air pollution. Littering is defined by Merriam-Webster as, “things that have been thrown away and that are lying on the ground in a public place.” “Drive along any road in the country and you'll likely see aluminum cans, paper products and other trash. Altogether, it adds up to around fifty-two billion pieces of litter cluttering up the landscape. That breaks down to more than 6,700 items per mile” (Lake). Littering can effect soil and water quality, which …show more content…

This does not only spill toxins into the ocean, but it also is killing marine animals. Animals who occupy the ocean mistake trash dumped into it as food. Therefore, these animals are killed from eating the garbage that is spilled into the ocean. An example of this is seabirds mistaking plastic for food. “Over one million seabirds are killed by plastic waste every year, and over one-hundred thousand sea mammals are killed per year due to pollution” (Gifford). Recycling can also contribute to saving the lives of many animals, such as the seabirds, but garbage dumped into the water is not the only form of pollution in

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