I thing that the most pressing issue for our enviornment in North Americe, is the pollution of our air and water. I believe this is the biggest issue because it effects everyone, and everyone should care. Some people may not care how many trees we cut down, or the fact that their fruits and veggitables are all geneticly modified and are coverd in pestisides. And if they dont care about our air and water now, they deffinately will when it staarts to make them sick, or they have to wear and face mask covering their mouth and nose in order to breathe outside without getting completed contaminated. Or when they start drinking unfiltered water, and chugging down loads of floride, and start to notice themselvees getting less healthy. I believe that this is an increasing issue as more, and more factories are being built, more cars are …show more content…
I, personally don't that that just turning off your water taps when your not using them will do too much, concidering that water is not necessarily clean eather, I mean, unless you like drinking floride. One thing people could do is get water filters in their homes and drink that. If you do this then you wouldn't have to go buy water bottles or gallons. If you do, in fact, have filters installed, then it would be more essential to turn off your taps when they are not in use. And in terms of our air polution we should just all ride horses everywhere. No? Okay, then we could walk more, if there is and park that could be maybe a five minute walk, why waste the gas in your ca to drive there. Maybe we shouldnt be putting our factrine so close together. For one thing, where I live Dallas, Fort-Worth and Houston Texas are getting so large and are growing so fast that it won't be too long until their touching eachother. (I honestly do not remember what this is called but i know there is a word for
Pollution is the presence of dangerous and unwanted substances in the ecosystem that causes imbalance and health hazards to the living. Water pollution is the presence of unwanted substances or particles in water, which causes imbalance in water systems. Lake Huron is among the largest fresh water sources in the States located in North America.
Pollution has always been an issue within our society. Derrick Jenson and Stephanie McMillan as well as Michael Pollan have all written articles about the issues in our environment and the effects of pollution. We are causing an increasing amount of pollution as time goes on. Virtually everything we do causes some form of damage to the environment and it seems that regardless of how much we want to fix this issue we are making no progress towards a solution. Based on their articles “As The World Burns” and Pollans article “Why Bother” these authors have similar views and yet contrast on many points.
Having lived in Maryland all of my life, I’m extremely surprised by the amount of pollution that happens in my home state. The first example of water pollution that I’ve found is the Inner Harbor in Baltimore. I haven’t visited the area recently, but according to an article by author Alex DeMetrick, it has the dubious reputation of being one of Maryland’s polluted sections. DeMetrick states that “Trash is the most obvious pollutant, but that’s only the surface problem. A lot more spills out of storm drains.” (DeMetrick, 2011). Not only is the issue of trash and sewage affecting the area’s environmental stability and visual appeal, but is also taking a toll on income and revenue as well. One of the main attractions of the inner Harbor is its
The Title of this essay is called “What is the Major Problems with Pollutants on the Great Lakes”. The essay explains that there is a problem going on in the Great Lakes with people who live around the Great Lakes area in that what they are throwing into the lakes; whether it would be from trash or fecal matter it is all causing major effects on the ecosystem on the Great Lakes, in turn effecting the fish and water we consume. This is not only a major problem for the lakes but also the humans that depend on those lakes.
he issue which I decided upon as the biggest problem in my community is pollution. The reason I chose this issue is because I live in New Castle Pennsylvania which is ranked as one of the most polluted cities in the country. This puts New Castle above cities such as LA who are known for their terrible pollution rate even though we are a small urban area. In this town and its surrounding cities such as Pittsburgh more than 25 thousand people have been diagnosed with lung asthma. Even growing up this unnaturally high trend was obvious. This is apparently a very big problem for this area.
People hear about issues and events that happen in America every day. Unfortunately every issue or problem does not receive the necessary media attention. One of the roughest cities in the United States, Detroit, Michigan is being affected by pollution. Detroit Wastewater Treatment Facility is the largest source of discharge into the river with 47 billion gallons of diluted sewage water dump into the Detroit River. 10.1 millions of toxic substance was dumped in the great lakes (Matthews, 2013.para.7). Due to the unstable environment Asthma, Cancer, and birth defects are at its peak. This is because of the factories built in the city next to the lower class neighborhoods. There has been cases where a local neighborhoods has been affected by
The Midwestern region of the United States, such a small corner of the world, is notorious for its prosperous agriculture and its abundant livestock population. Citizens of the Midwest, and consequently, the United States, rarely have to worry about where meals will come from or when the next time water will be available. Water fountains are a common sight within public places, specifically schools and workplaces, and each system reliably produces water at the touch of a button, every time, without fail. However, what happens when the dependability of water in the Midwest is compromised? Over the past decade, the water quality in Flint, Michigan, a town very close to Iowan homes, has seen a rapid decadence, given that the Flint River has been exposed to “the presence of fecal coliform bacteria, low dissolved oxygen, plant nutrients, oils, and other toxic substances,” though the main focus has
The issue that has to do with this bill is the environment. This bill from 2015 says that water and air pollution is harmful to the Florida atmosphere. The bill says the “public policy of this to conserve waters,” and that “air pollution control programs” are now considered necessities in Florida.
It may seem strange not to get in your car to go to the market to pick up produce when you can hand pick beautiful produce from your very own home. Grown with the very water you wash with. Talk about recycling. In an Earthship all water that is from the sink, tub or laundry is used for watering the garden. It’s astonishing the amount of water being wasted as it heads down the drain in the shower when it could very well be tending to a bountiful garden that would feed an army! Where will we be, or where will future generations be when water is scarce and we as a nation could have done something about it. Making simple changes to our everyday comfort zones can be difficult but it is something that we can afford to do at this point when it is not as critical as it will eventually be.
Thermal pollution is the final problem that I am going to discuss. Thermal pollution is probably the most over-looked pollution problem. Water is often drawn from sources for the use as a coolant in power plants and factories. The water is usually returned to the source much warmer than when it was taken. Even a small temperature change in the water can make groups of organisms move along to different waters. There can even be death to all organisms
What are the problems with America currently today? One problem we have faced in America is environmental pollutions. Environmental pollutions are the harmful filth in the air, we breathe everyday. Perhaps we do not notice them as we breathe. Some filth is seen from a far distance. Factory filth is the main pollution producer in the USA now.
Due to the easy accessibility of water in Smalltowne, many people have taken the local watershed for granted. As the population and businesses have grown, the waterways in the town have become more and more polluted. Without noticing, the activities of the local people and industries have affected the waterways negatively. There are several causes of the increasing pollution in the streams, lakes, and waterways in small towns. Two of the major causes of the local pollution are oil spills and toxic waste. Therefore, the town should use better containing and delivering shipments and shut down nuclear power plants in order to solve the increasing problem of water pollution.
Nearly about eighty million plastic bottles get thrown out daily; carbon dioxide coming from your tailpipe pollutes the air. Though we’re still not the initial problem that should be dealt with, it’s the industries. Jensen acknowledges, “More than 90% of the water used by humans is used by agriculture and industry. The remaining 10% is split between municipalities and actual living breathing individual humans”(340). Industries that run machinery none stop should be put on the chopping block first, and golf courses should be made to cut back. Cutting back on a shower a day wouldn’t even matter much when the factories and other places are using more water than needed.
The solution is clear, we must drain all the water from every possible source and store it in tanks. Drain the rivers, drain the creeks, drain the lakes, drain the ocean, and extract the moisture from the air. It is clear that most of the population cannot be responsible for water which makes it clear that water needs to be privatized and monopolized. That is the only way people can be assured the water they need.
We live on a beautiful planet, and it can be the only planet out there that’s this beautiful. We have beautiful ocean, gorgeous creatures, and wonderful places and if we want to keep it like that we have to stop polluting the earth. This planet is the only planet that we know that has life on it and this planet is are home and we have to keep it clean. Global Warming is a big issue, some people might say it doesn’t affect them but in reality it effects everyone. The amount of dumping, polluting we do on this planet is going to take effect a lot sooner then we think and when it does we might be done for. Life is precious and we live on this beautiful planet and if we keep polluting on this beautiful planet we are going to lose this planet and are lives.