
Water Quality And Contamination. Introduction. Background:.

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Water Quality and Contamination
Drinking water is vital to the health and well-being of human life, without it, life does not exist. Human bodies are composed of 60 percent water. Drinking healthy water is important to maintain a healthy balance of body fluids. Tap water and bottled water in general are safe to drink, the question is how safe and what are you willing to pay to consume healthy, safe water. Most Americans assume the Environmental Protection Agency is protecting our citizens by monitoring water quality, contaminant levels and potential health effects. Burke (2016) noted, “This was not the case for residents of Flint, Michigan, where citizens were exposed to high levels of lead because of government …show more content…

Ammonia test strips, Chloride test strips, 4 in 1 test strips, Phosphate test strips and Iron test strips. Equal amounts of the three waters were tested for water quality and contamination in the areas of Ammonia, Chloride, Alkalinity, total chlorine, total hardness, phosphate, iron and pH. Each specific test used test strips to measure the amount of contaminates and the results recorded in the below Tables 1 through 6.
Table 1: Ammonia Test Results
Water Sample Test Results (mg/L)
Tap Water 0
Dasani® Bottled Water 0
Fiji® Bottled Water 0

Table 2: Chloride Test Results
Water Sample Test Results (mg/L)
Tap Water 0
Dasani® Bottled Water 0
Fiji® Bottled Water 0

Table 3: 4 in 1 Test Results
Water Sample Total Alkalinity
(mg/L) Total Chlorine
(mg/L) Total Hardness
Tap Water 80 4.0 50
Dasani® Bottled Water 80 0.2 50
Fiji® Bottled Water 40 10.0 120

Table 4: Phosphate Test Results
Water Sample Test Results (ppm)
Tap Water 50
Dasani® Bottled Water 25
Fiji® Bottled Water 10

Table 5: Iron Test Results
Water Sample Test Results (ppm)
Tap Water 0.15
Dasani® Bottled Water 0.6
Fiji® Bottled Water 0.3

Table 6: pH Results
Water Sample Test Results
Tap Water 7
Dasani® Bottled Water 5
Fiji® Bottled Water 9

The first test and second test for the presence of ammonia did not show any

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