
Watership Down Analysis

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The Rival of Leaders in Watership Down There are two types of leaders; the type that leads humbly and fairly, and the type that leads with force and intimidation. Both of these can be found in Richard Adams’ Watership Down. When danger seems to be approaching the Sandleford Warren, a group of rabbits gather and leave to form or find a new warren. Throughout their journey, a leader emerges; Hazel. The group also encounters an area called Efrafa, ruled by General Woundwort. Hazel and General Woundwort are complete opposites, specifically in how they became a leader, how they lead, and how they view their own role as a leader. Both Hazel and General Woundwort have contrasting ways of taking on their role as a leader. Part way through the book, Hazel and his companions are going on a long journey from their old warren. They are trying to get to open fields that they can rest and settle into for a little while. Most of the rabbits have become tired and discouraged, including Hazel. Hazel is trying to keep his friends going, including one named Hlao-roo that they call Pipkin. Hazel begins to lose hope as the journey seems to go endlessly. Hazel’s exhaustion is shown in the book when the author explains, “‘Not far now, Hlao-roo, not far now,’ he kept muttering, until he realized that what he said had become meaningless, a mere refrain”(56). However, something none of them expected happens; they came upon the fields they were searching for. From this discovering, Blackberry says,

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