
Watson and Pauley

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Two of the major theories of nursing have been published by Jean Watson and by John Paley, who each have taken markedly distinct approaches to conceptualizing nursing care in a theoretical construct. This paper will provide a discussion of Jean Watson’s background, including educational preparation and process of developing her Care Theory as well as her career high points, discussion of Jean’s Watson’s Care Theory, including major points, discussion of John Paley’s background, including education preparation and his career high points, brief discussion of Friedich Nietzsche, specifically his major philosophical beliefs, compare Jean Watson’s Care Theory with the ideas presented in John Paley’s article, and contrast Jean Watson’s Care …show more content…

Faith, hope, and sensitivity are also crucial elements to the development of a self oriented toward the ability for adequate nursing care. In what might seem like a departure from the more esoteric elements of Watson’s philosophy of care, the factors Watson crafts include an explicit reliance upon scientific methodology in decision making. The environment of care is defined by Watson across several variables, including the domain of mental, spiritual, physical, sociocultural, and emotional. The importance of attending to human physical needs is also underscored, highlighting the pragmatic elements of nursing care. Trust and a safely didactic environment are also cited as elements of Watson’s philosophy of care (Taylor and Lillis 2001). The focus of the carative factors includes a greater spiritual dimension and provides for caring and love to transform the self and others being cared for (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2006). Friedrich Nietzsche was one of the greatest writers and psychologist amongst all the philosophers – scathing, funny, profound, sad, and yet ultimately beautiful and inspiring. He had a very astute understanding of human nature, and thus realized that most humans lived by myths that they believed to be true (very Socratic). His fame has significantly contributed to the popularity of postmodern

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