
We Can Not Deny Society 's Progression Of Social Equality Essay

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We cannot deny society’s progression of social equality, however, it is imperative that we not only understand the inequalities that are presently riddled in our social framework, but also understand how inequalities effect people at both micro and macro levels and how they intersect. Acquiring some base knowledge of institutionalized inequalities is fundamental to any attempts in rectifying (or easing) social injustices. Using Patricia Hill Collins’ Intersectionality theory, along with Omi and Winants’ theories on Race Projects, I will attempt to analyze the data discoursed in Victor Rios’ Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys.
Intersectionality posits that inequalities are not generated through one act or variable, but through a connected web of multiple variables that work together to oppress a group(s) of people (Collins and Blige 2016:1-6; Hill Collins 2000). Gender, race, sexuality, and class (among other diffuse characteristics) work together as a metaphorical net that aids in the maintenance of a systematic racial hegemony. Rios shadowed forty black and Latino males in Oakland, CA over the course of three years. During the three years he noticed the young men he shadowed were continually stopped and questioned by police. Rios also noted the lack of educational support by school faculty. The forty males studied reported some form of negative involvement with police and school officials. What seems clear in how these young males are treated by

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