
We Ird Sisters Responsible For The Fall Of Macbeth

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The goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy is the same person who would cause the fall of Macbeth. Because of Hecate and the 3 we’ird sisters, Macbeth, and later Maclcom becomes the king of Scotland.
Brief and relevant plot summary
The we’ird sisters approach 2 returning Thanes of Scotland after a battle. They prophesied that Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis would become Thane of Cawdor and later king of Scotland. The other Thane, Banquo, is told that his sons will become kings. Macbeth is convinced by Lady Macbeth that the only way to become king is to murder the current king, Duncan, and take his throne. Banquo becomes suspicious of Macbeth, but Macbeth has him and his son murdered. However, his son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo’s ghost haunts Macbeth. Hecate scolds the 3 we’ird sisters for helping Macbeth. Hecate instructs the Three Witches to make preparations for her plan to use illusion and the Three Witches' prophecies against Macbeth to bring about his downfall. Around this time, an English Army is preparing to attack Macbeth’s castle. The 3 we’ird sisters give prophecies to Macbeth about his downfall. They accurately predict the things that will …show more content…

Maybe he still would be king, but Lady Macbeth would never have pushed Macbeth to murder Duncan and cause the events to lead to her suicide, a regicide, and Macbeth’s downfall. From Document B, “Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness..” Lady Macbeth is specifically worried that Macbeth will not be able do what he “needs” to do to become king. If Macbeth was never told by the 3 we’ird sisters that he would be king, he would never had told Lady Macbeth about it, and she wouldn’t be pushing Macbeth to kill Duncan. It is was the we’ird sisters that caused this to happen. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hold a limited amount of power over what happens to them and their

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