
We are Being Invaded by Purple Loosestrife Essay

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The Purple Loosestrife is an invasive species that continues to reproduce and slowly being treated. The invasive species of the Purple Loosestrife, or Lythrum Salicaria, is a wetland plant that can produce up to 2.7 million seeds with each plant blooming about 30 flowering stems from early July until early September. From their long flower spikes, they have five to seven pink purple petals with a purple rose flower. This invasive species can grow from anywhere between four feet to ten feet tall. Species that are closely related or often confused to be a Purple Loosestrife include the following: fireweed, blue vervain, blazing stars, and native swamp loosestrife.
Europe and Asia is where the Purple Loosestrife is native, but more …show more content…

Other species to decline from the Purple Loosestrife is the bog turtle, and the canvas back duck.
The Purple Loosestrife can be used as a decoration or ornaments, some places still use the Purple Loosestrife for those purposes, but Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois prohibits the sale and making of this plant. Some state continue to sale the plant to gardeners expect for the states previously mentioned. An estimated annual cost to control the Purple Loosestrife is forty five million dollars to help the habitat to restore itself and help the methods used to control the plant.
With government approval, certain beetles have been used to help reduce the number of Purple Loosestrife. Hylobius Transrersovitiatus and Nanophyes Marmoratus are a weevil that lays larvae and adults feed on the Purple Loosestrife roots, along with the Galerucella Pusilla and Galerucella Calmariensis, which are types of beetles that feed on its foliage and flowers. These beetles and weevils have reduced the Purple Loosestrife by at least ninety percent, but for large areas infested by the Purple Loosestrife, herbicidal is required for removal. The only problem with the chemicals used is that it can cause nearby plants to dye. Over a period of several years, the chemicals can reduce to only small areas being infested by the Purple Loosestrife, which promotes other plants to reappear. The Triclopyr and Imazapyr is a chemical used and is

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