
Weber 's Economic Sociological Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Weber’s economic-sociological theory is based on his studies on various subjects like agricultural problems of earlier times, trade relations in medieval era and the position and condition of agricultural workers in modern factories. Weber discovered that religion and economy are always related to each other through ethical assessment of economic activities. He called this ‘the concept of economic ethic’ and published it in The Economic Ethics of the World Religions.
Weber didn’t consider capitalism as a set of ideologies that was in trend for a short-term but regarded it as an economic system which would continue to direct world economy in one form or another. According to Weber, Capitalism was a system which cannot be destroyed by any sort of revolution since some aspects of it corresponds to the need of economic rationalisation, and will continue to influence the new social structure over the years.
The main objective of this paper is to examine Weber’s economic sociology by examining socio-economic aspects like capital economy, conceptual analysis of economic sociology and economic theory, the role of rationality in social structure and his vision in contemporary economic sociology and sociology of religion along with the relation between ascetic rationalism and modern capitalism.
Max Weber was a German sociologist, economist and a political leader who influenced the field of economics and sociology with his research and theories. He is considered

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