
Weber's Theory Of Bureaucracy To The Holocaust

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How does Rubenstein apply Weber’s theory of bureaucracy to the Holocaust?
Rubenstein apply Weber’s theory of bureaucracy to the Holocaust by providing us details on the meaning of the word bureaucracy in action rather than a dictionary definition of the word. Rubenstein presented the Jews and the many others that perished in the Holocaust not only as the victim of a historical heartbreaking event but also as the victim of bureaucracy. How can they be considered victim of a bureaucracy, and not victim of totalitarian state? Since according to the definition on Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of totalitarian state “relating to centralized control by an autocratic leader or hierarchy” (Merrian-Webster) will define the event more …show more content…

He made us aware on how so many individuals knowingly participated in the atrocious acts of violence against humanity and without much hesitance. He provided us the formula and a clear explanation on Max Weber views and how it was all possible for the bureaucratic domination of Germany, and the consequences of such power. Max Weber “was convinced that political domination would rest with whoever controlled the bureaucratic apparatus because of its indisputable superiority as an instrument for the organization of human action”. (Rubenstein, 23) Nazi Germany mastered the use of power and the management principles, this can be observed in Hitler’s organization of the concentration camps. Hitler replaced the existence camps with a more impersonal, systematized terror” camps. (Rubenstein, 24) Hitler and Nazi Germany established order in the camps, by applying bureaucracy principles. They established specialization, providing a meaning of set task and responsibilities each office and individual will handle and follow, making their job simpler and more efficient in following directions. They appointed individuals to ensure the written rules and regulations installed were being followed. This assured that individuals knew their responsibilities and made it easier for their assigned task to be completed. This also created recordkeeping of the rules, procedures and disciplinary actions.

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