
Welfare Marijuana Of Our Society

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Welfare -The Cannabis of Our Society Welfare has been a major controversy in the realm of social policy for many years. Welfare has become a fundamental part of everyday life for many families. The present state of Welfare does not encourage job growth, reduce poverty, or reduce dependence on governmental aid in the United States despite its work relief elements and large governmental programs. Currently the United States’ Welfare system is being abused by its members and it should be monitored and revised to cut back on people misusing the benefits. Welfare did not reach the United States, until after the Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt 's "New Deal." The New Deal brought on new economic and social welfare legislation. …show more content…

The New Deal has received credit in our educational system as being a major governmental tool that assisted in getting the United States out of the Great Depression. Many do not realize that while the New Deal helped many by providing work in the public job projects; it also held back those same people from entering the private sector jobs. Private sector jobs were the key catalyst for getting the United States out of the Great Depression. It was not until our military personnel returned home at the end of World War II that our country began to fully escape the clutch of the Great Depression. The improvement in the economy was mainly due to the mass influx of trained workers returning home and entering the work force. There had been a huge part of our human and raw materials tied up in the war effort that limited the growth of the public sector of the economy. After four years of war there was a pent up demand for domestic consumption that boosted the US economy out of the depression that held the economy captive since the late 1920’s. In his book Welfare: Opposing Viewpoints, David Bender states” The definition of Welfare is very important in terms of fully understanding the problems and issues of the Welfare Debate” (Bender 15). Arthur J. Schlesinger, Jr. who was part of the Kennedy administration and was a historian stated about welfare: “Briefly, it is a system wherein the government agrees to

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