
Welfare Should Be Drug Tested Essay

Decent Essays

With a new president, and many policies and procedures changing in the government systems, it has recently been brought to many people’s attention how certain recipients in government assistance programs do not use the money correctly. As a result of that many now believe that everyone on government assistance should be drug tested. The welfare system can provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and targeted social services to poor and low income Americans (Duffy). Drug testing the recipients would ensure that no one was receiving aid that was using any type of illegal substance. This is a very controversial issue in today’s society and has both sides fighting hard for what they believe in. Laws that require drug tests for welfare recipients are …show more content…

Adding more requirements for keeping benefits and the paycheck encourages the individuals to find a job and not have to deal with the paperwork and hassle of maintaining the welfare standards. Welfare assistance should not be a one-way handout or open ended entitlement (Chodorow). “Welfare programs should be designed to promote self-sufficient along the recipients and discourage long term dependence on the government” (Sederer). Right now, the U.S. government programs do just the opposite. With no rules or tests, these recipients are open to do and spend their money on whatever they please, and they know they currently cannot get it taken away for it. Requiring these drug tests would ensure that the money will not be going to people who could possibly be using it for the wrong reasons and taking a spot away from someone else who could use the money more. Any serious effort to promote employment and self-sufficiency should include steps to decrease illegal drug use with those on welfare. A well designed program of drug testing is one of the important tools in any effective “welfare to work strategy”

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