
Were The American Colonists Justified Dbq Essay

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DBQ Essay The american colonist went through more trouble than you would think. The colonists were fed up from all the acts the British were passing and the way they were taking advantage of the . The British were angered at the revolts and rebellions held against them. The Boston Massacre and Tea Party were two of the first things that upset the British . The colonists thought that the king was being unjust and unfair with them. This revolution was the first modern one. Were the american colonists justified in breaking away from Britain? The american colonist were justified in breaking away from Britain because of Lack of Land, Taxes, and lack of representation in parliament. I believe the American Colonist were justified in breaking away from Britain because of the lack of land that the british allowed the colonist to have. In document A, if states that the British Parliament passed the Proclamation of 1763 which said that the colonist couldn’t settle beyond the Mississippi River. That territory was going to be reserved and saved for the Indians. This made the colonist upset because the british could …show more content…

They taxed them way too much. In document B, it states that the British are allowed to impose taxes on the colonists. Before the Townshend and Stamp Acts, Britain didn’t tax them just to raise money, it was for the debt that they were in from the French and Indian war. Now they were just getting money out of the colonists for fun. John Dickenson wanted to rouse up the people because he believes they need to protest. In document G, it states all the information about the Quartering Act, and what effect it had on the colonists. The colonists had strong feelings towards the fact that the British government made them give the soldiers a home and food and the soldiers could kick them out of their home at any time. As you can see, the colonists were ticked

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