
What Are America Strengths And Weaknesses

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The Beginning of America: Weaknesses and Their Eventual Solutions
America was founded as a place where people could have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There are, however, a few things that made America struggle or even weak in the beginning. There are also some events that allowed those flaws to be brought to light. One being the War of 1812. There were many Americans who felt that the British were once again being too controlling of them. This event was caused because of a flaw in the American system. The government had failed to established and enforce a reasonable and acceptable solution to the problem of unfair and improper trading between the British and Americans. Another event that occurred within the first 30 years of America's existence that exposed the instability and weakness of the government was the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were put into place as the first constitution of the United States, however, they were amended and revoked when they were proven to be ineffective. The issued with the Articles being that they allowed the individual states to be independent with Congress being involved only as a last resort. After the Articles were set aside as ineffective, the Constitution was written and eventually put into place, making America was …show more content…

The government couldn't pay for the war without going into severe debt, which would become a problem for many years to come. The continental army even began stealing food and supplies from local farmers due to the lack of financial support from the national government. George Washington said, " I do not believe we can exist as a nation unless there is a central government which will rule all the nation, just as a state government rules each state." This was said in response to the lack of support for his

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