
What Are Beethoven's Major Accomplishments

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Ever since his father began teaching him as a child to play the violin and clavier, any keyboard instrument such as the harpsichord, Ludwig van Beethoven has been amongst the most renowned and influential composers of music. Despite the harsh punishments and mistreatment Beethoven suffered through while practicing with his father, he still managed to become a “prodigy” at a rather young age, having his first public recital at around seven years old. After his first recital role music played in his continued to grow, and soon after dropping out of school to pursue music “full time” he published his first composition. Soon after the death of the Holy Roman Emperor of Austria, Joseph II, Beethoven began to study under prominent musicians and composers such as Joseph Haydn, Antonio Salieri, and Johann Albrechtsberger. It was during his time under the tutelage of these musicians and composers where he began to win the patronage of many Viennese Aristocrats. In 1800 Beethoven debuted his Symphony No. 1 which established his reputation as one of Europe's greatest composers. Meanwhile another prominent European rose to power, Napoleon Bonaparte, although Beethoven may have identified with Bonaparte for their somewhat “inhuman” characteristics he would later develop a grave …show more content…

In fact it was in 1824, only three years prior to his death, that he completed another of his very popular works, his “Ninth Symphony.” Soon after the completion of his “Ninth Symphony”, Beethoven had fallen ill and ultimately died at the age of 56 on March 26, 1827. Despite having to drop out a school in order to help feed his family and having to suffer complete hearing loss, Ludwig von Beethoven was still able to master the styles established by Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as well as have profound impact on music that is still studied to this

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