
What Are Harriet Tubman's Goals

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Harriet Tubman, a married independent woman went through many adversities as she was once a slave. Being that she was a second generation slave and the eleventh child in her family, Harriet Tubman dedicated her entire life helping her people in anyway possible after breaking free from slavery on her own. She becomes a historical figure after escaping slavery through the underground railroad in which she discovered. She Worked her way up by becoming a spy and a scout for the Union army during the Civil war as a volunteer. As a result by putting her life at risk she ended up opening doors for her that helped her achieve her main goals in trying to save her people from captivity. She was a mentally strong and brave women for the actions she took …show more content…

Not like any normal white child being born that time period, Harriet Tubman was raised in very devastating brutal living conditions. From a very young age she was whipped and mistreated by her owner Edward Brodas. If she did not meet up to the standards of her owner, they had no sympathy. Her younger years until she reached the age of twelve was when she was beaten and whipped for lack of work or the satisfaction of the people her master put her to work for. Furthermore, once she turned twelve she no longer was using the name her parents gave to her at birth but instead her mother's name Harriet. At a very young age when she was put to work in the plantations, Harriet Tubman needed to use a lot of physical strength, it is where she developed her endurance and stamina. Working countless of hours a day as a slave made her eager for a better life, something different. Furthermore, still being very young, Harriet witnessed an escape from one of the slaves. However the attempt was a fail. Harriet Tubman was instructed to tie up the slave, in which she failed to do it properly. As a result the slave escaped and succeeded. Harriet was held responsible and got beaten numerous of times by her master. Beaten in the head so many times that it caused seizures. After that beating, Harriet Tubman ended up suffering from seizures her whole

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