
What Are Mastering Literacy Skills

Satisfactory Essays

Do you think I gens would be ready for what is expected of them? Yes, I gens would be ready for what is expected of them. What mastering literacy skills look likes is reading as well as using media and technology. The skills also help create knowledge through writing as well as a developing media and technology”. Mastering literacy skills is important because if you don't master literacy skills you wouldn't be able to gain knowledge by reading as well as using media and technology. That is what mastering literacy skills look like. Yes, I will be able to stand and deliver when I’m called upon. What about you will you be able to stand and deliver when you are called upon? Yes, I will be able to stand and deliver when I’m called upon because I would do what I was told do and not just let them down about what I said I was gonna do for them. If you guys are ever called upon to do a big job don't let that job go so you can show that when you are called upon you can deliver what you said you said you could do to your boss or leader. That is how people can stand and deliver to what they said they would do and not accomplish what you said you would do. The three important things of mastering literacy skills is helping kids gain knowledge through reading ,media, and technology. These …show more content…

It can help me in my everyday life on my Business work won't have to ask my boss so much questions about mastering literacy skills or that has to deal with literacy skills. I also could get more knowledge about literacy skills when I grow up I could help other people with it if they don't get literacy skills. It would help me a lot in my future so if I didn't know this my boss would tell me once or twice then he would fire me because I should know about literacy skills. It would help me with a lot of stuff in life that I don't understand. That is how mastering literacy skills would impact my

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