
What Are Romeo And Juliet Good Role Models

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Fictional Characters as Role Models Would Romeo and Juliet be good role models for teenagers today? Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are two teenagers who fall in love but come across problems that will prevent them from being together. One of the main problems they face is that both of their families hate each other. In order for them to be together, they make reckless decisions that put themselves in danger. So would Romeo and Juliet be good role models to young teenagers? Romeo and Juliet are both terrible role models, because they disobey their parents, make bad decisions, and put themselves at risk by following dangerous plans. Romeo and Juliet are terrible role models …show more content…

After getting in a fight with Tybalt, Romeo is banished from Verona and Juliet has to find out a plan to avoid getting married to Paris and to be with Romeo: “‘Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilled liquor drink thou off’” (4.1.95-96). Juliet follows a plan to drink a liquor that will knock her out under forty-two hours. During that time Romeo is supposed to get her while she’s in her tomb, however he is misled into thinking she’s dead. Therefore he kills himself. Even though Juliet knew the plan might not work, she followed it anyways. Juliet was aware of the dangerous consequences both of them could face, but agreed to do it out of desperation. Also out of desperation, Romeo also followed the plan to get a letter that would tell him about with Juliet: ‘“In this resolve. I'll send a friar with speed determined, quickly To Mantua with my letters to thy lord’” (4.1.126-127). In the end, Romeo never got the letter, which then lead to a misconception of Juliet being dead. Without questioning a poorly thought out plan, Romeo still agreed to follow it. This shows how Romeo and Juliet put themselves in danger and ended up facing the consequences. This goes on to show how they are terrible role

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