
What Are The Benefits Of High School Sports

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Sports have been a custom in everyone’s lives since the times of ancient Rome, whether within the walls of schools, an arena, or on the couch watching the big game. Sports have been weaved into the fabric of America, and not many people argue against this; but it shouldn’t be leading our lives. Though, these athletes have been working for this from a very young age most of the time, and continued to work for this throughout their lives. These methods of training for this games are not the best, and harm a younger athlete. Many people believing that sports are the healthiest thing for your kid, but that simply is not true. Sports can and are harmful to the students of America just as sports is helpful, this will only help some within physical …show more content…

Promoting sportsmanship and participation, along with increased educational aspirations. It has been demonstrated that school sports participation has a number of benefits for our youth. This is pointed out in the article, “Are High School Sports Good for Kids?” Written by Gould, where the article states that sports develop good citizens and will provide positive recognition, and unprejudiced learning experiences through interscholastic learning activities. Even so, with less money spent on equipment, this can have for poorer equipment which will lead to more prominent injuries. These sports will also sleep deprive them, as stated in the second evidence for claim 2, is that really worth it for school recognition? In the article, What in the Name of High School Football? written by Hill, it is stated that Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School spends at least $26,000 before even spending for equipment, coaching, and training. These kids will also have to be up around 6:20 AM to catch the bus, the school day must start early to limit the missed classes from sports games later in the day and typically until late at night, pointed out in the same article. These kids may have a better time at school, but their health will be taken at their expense. Whether by a physical injury, or by the lack of sleep from starting so early in the day, then getting back late at

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